Edge Community raises the alarm on how air pollution jeopardises national pride

Conceptualised by Famous Innovations, the ad film urges viewers to take an active role in improving air quality.

Manifest Media Staff

Aug 19, 2024, 11:40 am

Edge Community's #StandForCleanAir campaign.

Edge Community, a thought leadership private members community, rolled out a campaign #StandForCleanAir, this Independence Day, to advocate for active participation in curbing air pollution.

Conceptualised by Famous Innovations, the ad film starts off with a statement that reads, "Nothing should stop us from singing our National Anthem" and then goes on to show how hazardous air pollution in New Delhi is doing exactly that.

What we think about it: A powerful message by linking air pollution to the disruption of something as sacred as the National Anthem. The film effectively raises awareness and calls for collective action to combat this pressing issue.

Yashraj Akashi, founder, Edge Community, said, "We all know that pollution levels in our cities, particularly our capital, have reached fatal levels. A Supreme Court judge recently likened living in Delhi to living in hell. Winter is around the corner and as soon as the smog hits, social media will be abuzz with complaints about the situation. But instead of just talking about it, we felt it was important to come together and do something. Edge is about bringing people together—people who care deeply about finding real solutions. This film is just a small step, a reminder that change starts with each of us, and that by working together, we can help improve our own surroundings.”

Raj Kamble, founder and chief creative officer, Famous Innovations, added, "To bring alive this harsh reality, we wanted to choose something that is close to all of our hearts. The National Anthem is a matter of national pride and we all want to be able to sing it wholeheartedly. What if pollution were to stop us from doing that? This was the thought that led to the execution, with the dystopian rendition of something we all respect dearly."

The film was rolled out on 14th August and will be supported by a series of digital initiatives.



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