Blissclub aims to reclaim the word 'bitch' by challenging women's submissive conditioning

Conceptualised in-house, the second leg of the Bitchclub campaign draws parallels between how dogs and women are trained to be submissive.

Manifest Media Staff

May 16, 2024, 10:35 am

Blissclub's second edition of its #BitchClub campaign.

Blissclub has rolled out the second leg of its Bitchclub campaign which draws parallels between how dogs and women are trained to be submissive.

The campaign which consists of a film highlights the restrictions designed to keep women submissive, mimicking a dog training video with commands like stay, shake hands, and fetch to draw parallels between how dogs and women are controlled.

What we think about it: Boldly aims to reclaim the word 'bitch' by confronting the societal conditioning that enforces women's submissiveness. The film’s use of sarcasm and creativity drives home a powerful message: society often conditions women to be obedient and restrained. This stark portrayal underscores the insidious nature of these societal expectations, making a compelling case for change. While the campaign is strikingly effective in its message, it may be triggering for some particularly those who have been derogatorily labelled 'bitch.' 

Minu Margeret, founder and CEO, Blissclub, said, “Historically, society has always found ways to hold women back. Slut shaming, body shaming, making a woman feel guilty for having ambition, controlling her body via what she wears - these are all ways of keeping a woman from recognising her full potential. And even though a lot has been said, we believe a lot more needs to be said and done to make the playing field more equal for women. With this campaign, we want to underscore all the ways in which women are controlled, even if they don’t always seem obvious.”



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