Manforce Condoms takes a dig at 'overpopulation' issues on World Population Day

The campaign aims to reinforce the brand's goal of making the word 'condom' synonymous with its brand name.

Manifest Media Staff

Jul 11, 2024, 2:48 pm

Manforce condoms' #ManforceHaiTohPossibleHai campaign

Manforce has rolled out a new campaign, #ManforceHaiTohPossibleHai (if Manforce is there it is possible) on the occasion of World Population Day. 

The campaign is part of the brand’s year-long property, #CondomNahiManforceBolo (don't say condom, say Manforce), which aims to reinforce its goal of making the word ‘condom’ synonymous with the brand name. 

Conceptualised by SG Dream Media, the campaign takes the humorous route to address overpopulation issues, by encouraging people to use condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancies and control the country's burgeoning population. 

The ad film captures the banter between a kidnapper and a  middle-aged couple, who has been taken hostage by the former. The goon threatens them to sign an agreement if they wanted to save their 'only child'. As the negotiations progress, it soon becomes clear that its the kidnapper's turn to pull his hair out in frustration upon discovering that the couple has not one, two or three, but multiple children. Realising that the couple has no intention of putting a full stop to the family lineage, he urges them to use Manforce Condoms to practice birth control. 

What we think about it: The film while reiterating an important message - no doubt, comes across as a tad corny with the humour quotient appearing forced, as it attempts to oversell the 'condom nahi, Manforce bolo' messaging.

Joy Chatterjee, associate vice president, sales and marketing, Mankind Pharma, said, “As Manforce Condoms has always been at the forefront of spreading awareness around sensitive issues, we came up with the campaign to amplify our reach and messaging by leveraging the occasion of World Population Day. To ensure the campaign is well received by the audience, we took a light-hearted route to building a better connection with them. Fulfilling our duties as a responsible brand, we urge the audience to pledge and contribute to the mission of controlling the population by making informed decisions.”

The film was rolled out across social media channels on 10 July.



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