Not everyone can achieve Cristiano Ronaldo-level stardom; we all have unique paths: Noel Goes Crazy

Noel Robinson discusses creating content in India, his renewed adidas role, and prioritising 'quality over quantity' on social media.

Noel Dsouza

May 16, 2024, 7:23 pm

German content creator Noel Goes Crazy visits India.

If you've scrolled through Instagram lately, you've likely encountered the energetic dance videos of TikTok sensation Noel Robinson, commonly known as 'Noel Goes Crazy', as he explores India. From dancing in Mumbai’s local trains to collaborating with Mumbai policeman Amol Kamble, he's embraced the city's vibrant streets. 

At just 23, this German-born content creator gained fame for his dances and humour on TikTok in January 2020. Notably, his collaborations, like the one with Turkish creator Yasin Cengiz, garnered immense popularity.

Beyond his remarkable dance skills, Robinson excels in pranks and comedy that deeply connect with his followers. He ingeniously transforms everyday scenarios into captivating skits. Moreover, his hair transformation videos have ignited a fresh enthusiasm for hair care and styling brands and cohorts. 

With over 10.1 million Instagram and 40.1 million TikTok followers, Robinson's influence is undeniable catching the attention of brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and adidas. 

Robinson was brought to India by White Rivers Media, who felicitated this meet-up with Manifest. The agency was also instrumental in getting global internet sensations like The Quick Style, iShowSpeed and Khalid Al Ameri, to India. 

During his India visit, Manifest delved into creating content in India, his adidas partnership, his stance on prioritising quality in brand endorsements, and his perspective on paid followers and verified accounts.

Edited excerpts: 

Since you've been in India, you have rolled out a video a day from dancing in Mumbai locals or with a police commissioner, and more. How did this idea come out, and what led you to these collaborations?

As a content creator, I strive to generate new content daily. One collaboration I particularly enjoyed was dancing with a Mumbai commissioner. During my visit to India, I venture out daily, exploring the vast country, and seeking unique Indian locations for content creation.

And how's the experience been so far? What did you enjoy the most?

It's unbelievably crazy! I never imagined the level of recognition I'd receive here in India. Everywhere I go, people recognise me, want photos, and are incredibly friendly. It's truly mind-blowing. 

Are you looking forward to partnering with any specific Indian brands during your visit? 

Currently, I'm in the planning phase with brands and nothing's finalised yet. However, I'm excited about potential partnerships with Indian brands.

Apart from Germany, which is your home base, which other international market do you garner more following and engagement from? 

There is a lot of following and engagement from Brazil, Egypt and the Middle-East. Besides that, India is where I have a massive following as well. 

Can you share any successful brand partnerships you've been part of, and what made them effective? 

Being an ambassador for adidas is my main focus. I've collaborated with various brands like Tommy Hilfiger, but adidas is the pinnacle for me.

Piggybacking on the adidas partnership, when did it begin and can you tell us how long is the association for? 

I typically sign one-year contracts with brands. Currently, I've renewed my partnership with adidas for the third year. I exclusively wear their gear, creating content and promoting their brand.

How do you select brands to collaborate with, and what factors influence your decisions? 

Authenticity is crucial. Additionally, collaborating in different countries adds a unique dimension. For instance, thanks to the adidas partnerships, I had the opportunity to attend events like the World Cup in Qatar, which was an amazing experience.

How do you balance creativity and authenticity with brand requirements and expectations? 

Nowadays, brands understand the importance of authenticity. It's not about blatantly pushing products; it's about seamlessly integrating them into content. When it aligns naturally with my content, featuring brands in my videos is effortless. Whether it's wearing clothing or showcasing products, subtle integration resonates best with my audience. It's amazing how brands are adapting to this approach.

With the plethora of dance videos on Instagram and TikTok, how do you keep your content fresh and break through the fatigue and clutter? What’s your advice to upcoming dance content creators?

Creating something unique is essential. Dancing in public tends to resonate best with audiences; it adds an extra flair compared to dancing indoors. Following viral trends, even if they're simple, can greatly boost visibility. It's about adapting and embracing what's current.

Jumping on trends and viral songs works. Content creators should align with what works and keep at it. There's no need to switch things up if it's yielding results and is enjoyable. Just like the 'Calm Down' trend, which I’ve made an array of videos with. If a viral tune is effective and enjoyable, stick with it.

What is your opinion on influencers buying fake followers or paying for a verified tick mark on social media?

Purchasing fake followers is entirely unnecessary. It's important to cultivate genuine engagement. If it doesn't resonate, it's okay to explore other avenues. Just as not everyone is destined to be a football star like Cristiano Ronaldo, everyone has their unique path. If one approach isn't working, it's worth exploring alternatives.



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