IAA rolls out traffic welfare experiment in Mumbai

Partners with Signpost to launch 'small social engineering experiment'.

Manifest Media Staff

Jul 29, 2024, 10:43 am

10 bus shelters in Mumbai will have messages to follow basic traffic rules.

The India Chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA) has rolled out a community welfare experiment in the Cuffe Parade area of Mumbai.

Avinash Pandey, president, IAA, said,  "Simple traffic rules are not being observed. Wrong side riding is endemic. Double parking, parking at bus stops, jumping red lights...the list goes on. So what can we do about this? We can complain long and loud. We can indulge in finger-pointing. Or we can try and do something about it ourselves. This time we thought we would do a small experiment in what we call, social engineering. The attempt to try and change behavioural patterns through simple messaging backed by increased enforcement."

The IAA partnered with outdoor company Signpost and the traffic police with the support of Honorary Speaker of the Maharashtra Assembly, Sri Rahul Narwekar.

Ten bus shelters from Badhwar Park, down Capt. Prakash Pethe Marg (Cuffe Parade) to the end of G.D.Somani Marg have basic messaging around bus shelters.

Bus shelters

Pandey added, "The traffic police will ensure increased visibility specially during peak hours in the morning and in the evening at known bottlenecks. In 10 days time, we hope to see some behavioral change. And of course, we can all feel a sense of satisfaction that we have tried to bring about positive change in our daily lives. If it has a strong positive effect, we could take this to other areas as well. I wish to thank Signpost, the Hon. Speaker, the traffic police, Dhananjay Khotpal, the creative director and all those who have supported us in this community service project as a labour of love."



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