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Goafest in Mumbai: Industry reactions

While Goa will be missed, most of the advertising industry lauds AAAI and The Advertising Club for making sure the show will take place

Manifest Media Staff

Apr 22, 2024, 11:05 am

Goafest will now be held in Mumbai between 29-31 May

Following the news of Goafest taking place in Mumbai this year, Manifest reached out to the advertising industry to understand what impact it will make on the attendance. While some sat on the fence and didn't go on record with responses, here's what Rajdeepak Das, chief creative officer, Publicis Groupe South Asia and chairperson Leo Burnett, South Asia, Shavon Barua, independent brand curator and former chief client officer, PHD India, Sudish Balan, co-founder and chief creative officer, Tonic Worldwide, and Titus Upputuru, founder, Titus Upputuru Company, had to say:


Shavon BaruaBarua: It will get the predictable 'oh nos' and 'it's not the same ' reaction. But I always think off the usual track. I feel it's cool as long as it's happening. Plus Goa in the end of May is not really the ideal Goa! And considering the most important event of India is on at that time, pat on The Advertising Club for still doing this fest for the industry. Instead of bemoaning, people should celebrate


Das: Rajdeepak DasWe always attend Goafest with a big contingent and enter the Abby’s in a big way. I know my team is excited about the ABBY – The One Show Awards and everybody is looking forward to attending the event. It has sort of become an annual tradition to catch up in Goa and I will definitely miss Goa as a location this year. But the show must go on. At the end of the day, Goafest is about the industry coming together to celebrate our work, our people and our passion for creativity. It is the one of the biggest events that the industry hosts for the industry and we will support that wholeheartedly.

Upputuru: In mTitus Upputuruany ways, Goa is the India equivalent to the French Riviera. The beach side atmosphere adds to the festival, a celebration of creativity. Also for the Bombay (Mumbai) folks, it’s stepping out, if it happens in Goa. Which is how it should be. All of us moving out of cosmopolitan comfort and gathering in a village.


Sudish BalanBalan: Considering the reduced travel and accommodation expenses for our Mumbai unit, though our team is spread across all key metros, we might consider sending additional teammates. However, we will await an update from the Goafest team regarding any changes in delegate fees due to the venue change. It's undeniable that the festival will miss the beloved Goa vibe it's known for (you may take Goafest out of Goa but you cannot take Goa out of Goafest). However, we understand that the organising committee faced a difficult decision between cancelling the festival altogether and relocating it this year. I hope they will make every effort to maintain the essence of the experience. While many may perceive the location as a significant factor in the festival's overall impact, stakeholders and participants should embrace this change while preserving the continuity and spirit of this major advertising festival.


Also read: 

Opinion: Goafest in Mumbai - yay or nay?



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