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AdEx on Radio grew 7% in January-March 2024 over last year: TAM Report

LIC of India was the top advertiser during the period, followed by LIC Housing Finance and Maruti Suzuki India, as per the report.

Manifest Media Staff

Jul 9, 2024, 10:48 am

TAM released the AdEx report for radio during Q1 of 2024

Advertising on radio witnessed a growth of 7% during January-March 2024 over the corresponding quarter last year, according to the TAM AdEx radio advertising quarterly report.

Leading Sectors


Among the top 10 sectors, Services had the highest share of ad volumes of 31% in the Jan-Mar quarter this year, as per the report.

Apart from Services, Banking/Finance/Investment (BFSI) and Auto were the other two sectors that continued to dominate the top three positions in the Q1 quarter, compared to the previous year.

Household Products entered the top 10 Sectors during Jan-Mar quarter this year over last year. Together, the top 10 Sectors had a combined share of 88%.

Leading Categories

In Categories, Properties/Real Estate retained its first rank with a 16% share of ad volumes in Jan-Mar 2024 over 2023. The top 10 categories collectively added 51% share of ad volumes with Properties/Real Estate, Hospitals/ Clinics and Auto dominating the list.

Properties/Real Estates was the top growing category in terms of increase in ad secondages followed by Cars during the quarter, as compared to 2023.

Leading Advertisers

LIC of India was the top advertiser during the quarter, followed by LIC Housing Finance and Maruti Suzuki India.
More than 4K advertisers were present on radio during the Q1 quarter.

The top 10 advertisers contributed to 14% share of ad volumes on radio, with 6 of them being new entrants during Q1 over the corresponding period last year.

Three of the leading brands belonged to BFSI Sector during the period, while two were from Auto. LIC Housing Finance was the top brand for advertising on the medium.

Leading advertisers during Jan-Mar 2024
Leading advertisers during Jan-Mar 2024

Gujarat was the leading state with a 19% share of ad volumes on radio, while Jaipur was the top city with a 9% share of ad volumes for advertising on the medium. 

Evening was the most preferred time-band on the medium followed by Morning and Afternoon time-bands, while commercials with 20-40 seconds was most preferred ad length for advertising on radio during the quarter. The Evening and Morning time bands together added 69% share of ad volumes. 

TAM AdEx monitored more than 110 radio stations (In association with RCS India) for the study.



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