HUL is leading advertiser on TV in movies genre, followed by Reckitt: TAM report

Ad volumes on TV in the genre decreased by 4% this year as compared to the previous year in the January-June period, as per the report.

Manifest Media Staff

Sep 6, 2024, 9:33 am

Adex on TV movie channels saw a decline of 4% this year

Ad volumes on TV in the movie genre decreased by 4% this year as compared to the first half of 2023 (January-June), according to TAM Media's half yearly report for advertising on movie channels on TV. Both years, however, saw an ad share of 21% for the genre on television, as per the report.

Hindi movies had the highest share of ad volumes during the January-June period in 2024.

HUL was the leading advertiser with 20% share of ad volumes, followed by Reckitt with 12% share.

The top three advertisers maintained their positions in both January-June 2024 and January-June 2023.

Wipro and Colgate Palmolive were the new entrants among the Top 10 in the half yearly period of 2024 when compared to the corresponding period in 2023.

Dettol toilet soaps topped the brand list in the Movie TV channel genre.

Top Brands (Jan-Jun’24)

Harpic Power Plus 10x Advanced was exclusive brand among Top 10 during Jan-Jun’24 compared to Jan-Jun’23.

Head & Shoulders Dandruff, Lizol All In 1 and Lifebuoy Toilet Soap were new entrants among the Top 10 in the period from
January to June 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Ad commercials of 20-40 seconds were most preferred for advertising on movie channels during the period, as per the report..



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