OPPO India has rolled out its latest campaign, ‘Live in the Moment’, featuring actors Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ishaan Khatter, and Vedang Raina. The campaign aims to spotlight the newly launched Reno13 Series as more than just a smartphone—it's positioned as an extension of one’s life, encouraging users to fully immerse themselves in experiences rather than simply capturing them.
The film opens with the trio of Chaturvedi, Khatter and Raina wrapping up an intense meeting in their office. As they step out, they notice the slogan ‘Live it Abhi’ emblazoned on a t-shirt, igniting the wanderlust in the trio. This leads to a spontaneous road trip filled with unforgettable, carefree instances that celebrate the beauty of living in the moment.
What we think of it: The film underscores the value of embracing life’s authentic experiences and living in the now. It serves as a reminder to not become so focused on the future that one forgets to appreciate the present. It also showcases how technology when done right can enrich and enhance our lives, rather than interrupting it.
Sushant Vasishta, head of digital marketing, OPPO India, said, “At OPPO India, we believe life is about enjoying every moment, big or small. Through the ‘Live in The Moment’ campaign, we celebrate the vibrant spirit of today’s youth who embrace every moment with passion, energy, and authenticity - perfectly embodied by Siddhant, Ishaan, and Vedang. The film also features our upcoming Reno13 Series, which brings flagship-level AI technology to elevate camera experience and performance, empowering users to immerse in their moments and effortlessly capture lasting memories.”