Prega News celebrates a mother's right to choose the timing of her good news

The #LetThemDecide campaign sheds light on women being pressurised for a second child, affirming couple's autonomy in family planning.

Manifest Media Staff

May 2, 2024, 7:55 pm

#LetThemDecide campaign

Prega News has rolled out a campaign #LetThemDecide which consists of a film. 

The film highlights the societal pressures on women to have a second child and reinforces that the choice should ultimately rest with the couple themselves. It centres around Shilpa, a married woman with one child. Through relatable scenes, it vividly depicts the ongoing pressure and scrutiny Shilpa encounters regarding her decision to have a second child. Despite her evident discomfort, the pervasive notion that a family lacks completeness with only one child resounds prominently.

What we think about it: This Mother's Day campaign stands out by creatively addressing the societal pressures on women in family planning. Its emotional storytelling and insightful commentary mirror the brand's commitment to gender equality and supporting couples' autonomy in family planning. It effectively evokes empathy and ignites vital conversations about societal change.

Joy Chatterjee, associate vice president, sales and marketing head of Mankind's consumer business unit, said, "With #LetThemDecide, we are initiating an important conversation that needs to be had, that the decision to have a child should lie solely with the couple themselves. For too long, women have been subjected to pressures from family and society on this deeply personal matter. By sharing Shilpa's all-too-common story, we want to champion and celebrate a woman's right to make this choice freely, without any guilt or coercion.”

Chatterjee added, "We believe open communication, mutual respect and freedom of choice are critical pillars for every healthy relationship and family unit. With #LetThemDecide, Prega News aims to spark this very dialogue in living rooms across India. We feel it's time to stop pressuring couples and instead support their choices in family planning. It is said that a content mother fosters a happy family, and we wish every mother a fulfilling experience as she embarks on her motherhood journey. We proudly stand behind every couple, celebrating their decisions whether they plan for one child or two.”



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