Has TV news lost its charm for marketers? (sneak peek)

With mainstream news channels' perceived decline in credibility, is it time brands gave it a miss in their media plans - we find out.

Anupama Sajeet

Jul 5, 2024, 10:01 am

Read the full story in our June print issue

Not so long ago, the news genre was considered one of the most potent in a brand’s TV media plan. However, recent years have witnessed a gradual but distinctive shift in the news consumption patterns of viewers. With a perceived decline in the credibility of mainstream TV news, discerning audiences no longer consider it a source for reliable, impartial reporting. This has led them to seek alternative digital avenues for objective and unbiased news updates.

So, is it a good idea for brands—especially 'socially conscious' ones—to continue associating with channels that propagate misinformation and hate-filled narratives? Several companies, such as Parle Products and Bajaj Auto, have taken a moral stand in recent years against advertising on channels perceived to promote toxic or polarised content. Significantly, a study found that the number of advertisers declined from 4,880 in 2019 to 3,590 in 2024. This is despite the high viewership and engagement that news channels typically enjoy during big-ticket events such as general elections.

In this scenario, we explore whether TV news is still a viable medium for brands today.

The full story appears in the July issue of Manifest. Get your copy now!



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