LIA 2024: Four jurors from India

They join 200 creative leaders globally to judge the awards between 29 September to 7 October.

Manifest Media Staff

Jun 4, 2024, 11:03 am

Clockwise from bottom left: Josy Paul, Swati Bhattacharya, Santosh Padhi and Sachin Talwalkar

Four creatives will be representing India at the London International Awards later this year as jurors.

Swati Bhattacharya, former creative chairperson, FCB India will be judging 'TV and Cinema and Online Film'; Santosh Padhi, chief creative officer, Wieden+Kennedy India, will judge 'Branded Content and Branded Entertainment'; Josy Paul, chairperson and chief creative officer, BBDO India will judge 'Creative Strategy and Transformative Business Impact', and Sachin Talwalkar, chief creative officer, Havas Life Sorento, will judge 'Health & Wellness'.

The four of them will be onsite for LIA judging at Encore @ Wynn, Las Vegas between 29 September and 7 October.



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