Need political willpower and countries to help solve 'climate emergency'

Boaz Paldi, CCO, UNDP, chats with Manifest to explore how brands and governments can step in to reverse this emergency.

Raahil Chopra

Jul 18, 2024, 9:49 am

Boaz Paldi

Boaz Paldi, chief creative officer, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was a journalist for close to eight years, before giving up an ‘unbiased’ profession to take up one through which he could impact lives by having a ‘biased voice’. During the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Manifest caught up with him to understand more about his role, how climate change can be tackled using creativity, the role of brands, and more. 

Paldi joined UNDP in 2005. Over his 19-year stint he has looked to 'translate what the UN does to a wider audience'.

Explaining UNDP's top-priority, Paldi said, "Without a second’s hesitation, it is climate emergency. I don’t like using the words climate change. Climate change somehow makes us think we have time and it’s changing. This is an emergency and a catastrophe. We have to address this right now."

However, it's not all doom and gloom according to him.

"If we continue on this path without taking action, we will be facing existential threats to humanity. But if we address it, without a doubt, we can make a difference. We need to take urgent climate action and lessen the blow. The good news is that we have the technology, know-how and capabilities to make a difference. What we need is political willpower. We need more countries to commit 100% to solving the problem. We need more of the private sector to commit 100% to solving this problem. Everyone has to roll up their sleeves and do everything possible to solve this issue," he said.

Read our full interview with Paldi as part of our detailed Cannes coverage in the July issue of Manifest. Get your copy now!



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